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Over the past one and a half decades, Sachin Tekade’s artistic career has seen a plurality of language in the context of paper and its textural exploration. He has gone from linear to solid, white to black and now at a fascinating juncture - the usage of colour, which the artist was hesitant to use so far.
Sachin invents an accent of colour so bold that it makes the hidden metaphor perceptible. Societal osmosis is where a man is affected in perhaps two ways, the first is tangible or physical and the second is emotional or psychological. In his own words, Sachin says, “Intrinsic human behaviour is imbibed from the immediate environment. We are directly affected by the people we meet and talk to. Their energy and emotions are passed on to us in ways we won’t understand or comprehend”.
The series enquires the duality of effects of this impression that humans experience. When closely observed ; the original colours are hidden while the colourful impressions on the other side of the paper can be viewed. Aided by light, the leakage of colour on the other side is equivalent to emotions seeping from one human to another. As beautiful as this exchange of colours and light appears on paper, the real-life implications of such a transfer of energy might be more complicated. In the most simplest and precise manner, Sachin puts forth his understanding of this complex human behaviour in the form of his minimalistic body of works.